Carley J. ZealRochelle G. Catus
Amy Addante
Tessa E. Madden
Bradley P. Stoner
Gillian Brit Schivone
Colleen P. McNicholas
Sarah M. Wallett
Justin T. Diedrich
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
This facility halted abortions in late 2020, but resumed them in February 2021 on a very limited basis. Most of the abortion business is done across the Mississippi River at their Fairfield Heights facility.
Operation Rescue’s archive of reports on RHS Planned Parenthood’s 2019 licensing scandal.
Former clinic abortionist: David L. Eisenberg
Former clinic abortionist: Jeffery F. Peipert
Former clinic abortionist: Robert Crist
Former clinic abortionist: Tessa E. Madden
Former clinic abortionist: Rachel E. Zigler
Planned Parenthood Abortionist on Hand Washing: Is That a New Standard? July 27, 2017
Most Dangerous Planned Parenthood in America Wants Court to Block Safety Laws, Dec. 16, 2016
The Menace Continues: St. Louis Planned Parenthood hospitalizes 62nd patient (Nov. 2, 2016)
Ambulance responds to 61st medical emergency at St. Louis Planned Parenthood (Oct. 21, 2016)
Ambulance Transports Planned Parenthood Patient Wailing and Grimacing in Pain (March 2015)
Ambulance Transports 27th Woman from St. Louis Planned Parenthood Abortion Center (November 2104)
Botched Abortion Outbreak Reveals Safety Crisis at St. Louis Planned Parenthood (October 2103)
Authorities Cover Up 22 Botched Abortions at St. Louis Planned Parenthood (September 2013)
Planned Parenthood Patient Rushed to Hospital Hours ago in St. Louis (August 2013)
PP Clinic Attempts to Hide 4th Abortion Emergency in 3 Months with “Sheets of Shame” (January 2013)
St. Louis Planned Parenthood Transports Third Patient to Hospital Since Thanksgiving (December 2012)
Planned Parenthood Lands Patient in Hospital the Day Before Thanksgiving (Nov 21, 2012)
Emergency Transport from Planned Parenthood Makes Another Case for Defunding (Feb 14, 2011)
Ambulance arrives at Planned Parenthood in St. Louis – 10-11-2013
May 2019: Clinic discontinued medication abortions due to inability to meet licensing requirements for dispensing abortion drugs.
4251 Forest Park Ave, St. Louis, MO 63108Photos

Jan. 19, 2013: Fourth medical emergency at St. Louis Planned Parenthood in less than 3 months
Nov. 2, 2016: St. Louis Planned Parenthood sends 62nd woman to hospital
Misc Documents
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2004
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2009
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2006
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2007
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2009
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2010
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2009
Tax document - lists abortionists David Eisenberg and Alan Morris. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2008
Tax document - lists abortionists David Kipnis, Rochelle Catus, and Alan Morris. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2007
Tax document - lists abortionists David Kipnis, Alan Morris, Rochelle Catus, and Jeffrey Peipert. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2005
Tax document - lists abortionists Rochelle Catus, David Kipnis, and Bradley Stoner. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2004
Tax document - lists abortionists Bradley Stoner, David Kipnis, and Rochelle Catus. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2002
Tax document - Lists abortionists Jessie Ternberg, Rochelle Catus, and Bradley Stoner. -
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2013
Form 990 - PP St. Louis Region - 2014
2015 Vivion LLC vs PP of KS and MO - Unlawful Detainer Case
Motion for Prelim Inj 12122016
Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood (St. Louis, MO) and Comprehensive Health Planned Parenthood Great Plains (Overland Park KS) join forced to eliminate abortion safety rules in Missouri so they can expand their abortion businesses. -
Ex1 McQuade
Declaration of Comprehensive Health PP CEO Laura McQuade in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
Ex2 Kogut
Declaration of Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood CEO Mary Kogut in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
Ex3 Eisenburg
Declaration of RHSPP Medical Director (abortionist) David Eisenberg in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
Ex4 Johannes
Declaration of an architect in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
Ex5 Katz
Declaration of a sociologist in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
Ex6 Springfield HCC v Nixon
Suit referenced in support of 12122016 motion for preliminary injunction against MO abortion safety laws. -
CLIA St Louis PP
2014 Form 990 -- PP of the St Louis Region and Southwest Missouri
Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Region and Southwest Missouri -- State: MO -- Net Assets: $32,328,013 -- Gross Revenue: $10,654,363 -- Net Revenue: $859,482 -
2014 Form 990 -- Reproductive Health Services of PP of the St Louis Region
Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Region -- State: MO -- Net Assets: $406,869 -- Gross Revenue: $3,252,452 -- Net Revenue: $46,943 -
2014 Form 990 -- Advocates The Political Arm of PP of the St Louis Region
Advocates the Political Arm of Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Region -- State: MO -- Net Assets: $24,863 -- Gross Revenue: $347,775 -- Net Revenue: $-22,980 -
pp case v missouri #1
2016-11-30 -- Complaint - Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood Great Plains et al v. Lyskowski et al -
pp case v missouri #5
2016-11-30 -- Certificate of Interest -
pp case v missouri #6
2016-11-30 -- Petition for Admission Pro Hac Vice -
pp case v missouri #7
2016-11-30 -- Petition for Admission Pro Hac Vice 2 -
pp case v missouri #14
2016-12-12 -- Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction -
pp case v missouri #18
2016-12-21 -- Daniel K. Knight Answer to Complaint -
pp case v missouri #35
2017-01-27 -- Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney Answer to Complaint -
pp case v missouri #37
2017-01-30 -- Defendant Jean Peters Baker's Answer Plaintiffs Complaint -
pp case v missouri #41
2017-01-31 -- Plaintiffs' suggestions in opposition to state defendants' motion to dismiss (379 pages) -
pp case v missouri #42
2017-01-31 -- Reply suggestions in support of plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction (342 pages) -
pp case v missouri #46
2017-02-03 -- Suggestions in support of defendant Patterson's motion to dismiss -
pp case v missouri #53
2017-02-14 -- Reply suggestions in support of the state defendants' motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction -
pp case v missouri #54
2017-02-14 -- State defendants' motion (68 pages) -
pp case v missouri #56
2017-02-16 -- State Defendants' surreply suggestions -
pp case v missouri #57
2017-02-17 -- Plaintiffs' suggestions in opposition to defendant Patterson's motion to dismiss -
pp case v missouri #58
2017-02-21 -- Joint motion for a protective order -
pp case v missouri #59
2017-02-22 -- Motion to reschedule oral argument -
pp case v missouri #62
2017-03-03 -- Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file limited sur-surreply suggestions -
pp case v missouri #64
2017-03-03 -- State Defendants' motion for leave to file Exhibits 1 & 2 -
pp case v missouri #65
2017-03-03 -- State defendants' supplemental brief in opposition to plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #70
2017-03-10 -- Plaintiffs' supplemental suggestions in further support of motion for preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #73
2017-03-15 -- Order: Motion for leave to file exhibits is granted -
pp case v missouri #76
2017-03-20 -- Plaintiffs' sur-surreply suggestions in support of plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #79
2017-03-23 -- Answer of defendants Hawley & Williams -
pp case v missouri #80
2017-03-24 -- Defendant Patterson's answer to complaint -
pp case v missouri #82
2017-03-31 -- Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file exhibits 1, 2, & 3 to their supplemental suggestions -
pp case v missouri #83
2017-03-31 -- Plaintiffs' second supplemental suggestions in further support of motion for preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #84
2017-03-31 -- State defendants' post-hearing supplemental brief in opposition to plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #85
2017-03-31 -- Motion for leave to file medical records under seal -
pp case v missouri #87
2017-04-04 -- Memorandum to Counsel -
pp case v missouri #93
2017-04-19 -- Memorandum & Order -
pp case v missouri #97
2017-05-02 -- Order granting preliminary injunction -
pp case v missouri #98
2017-05-04 -- Defendants Hawley and Williams' Notice of Appeal -
pp case v missouri #99
2017-05-04 -- Defendants' Motion for Stay of Preliminary Injunction Pending Appeal -
pp case v missouri #100
2017-05-04 -- Defendants Hawley & Williams' suggestions in support of their motion for stay of preliminary injunction pending appeal -
pp case v missouri #101
2017-05-05 -- Notice of Appeal Supplement -- Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood of Great Plains et al v. Lyskowski et al -
Unsafest Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility in US Calls Ambulance for 67th Patient
Incident at Central West End Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, MO, on Aug. 4, 2017. -
2016-03-10 Notice of Intent to Terminate Provider
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier -- Kansas Governor Sam Brownback lists alleged infractions of various providers, and directs KDHE to terminate certain providers including Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region (see page 7) from participating in KS Medicaid & KanCare. Document also includes a letter to each provider, stating that the provider will be subject to administrative review on a certain date. -
2016-05-03 Notice of Decision to Terminate Provider
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier --Letter to providers including Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region (see page 4). After administrative review, the KDHE has decided to terminate the providers' participation in the Kansas Medical Assistance Program (includes Medicaid and KanCare), effective May 10, 2016. -
2016-05-04 Affidavit in support of Motion for leave to appear Pro Hac Vice
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-05-04 Corporate Disclosure Statement
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-05-17 Transcript of Telephone Status Conference with judge (filed 09-15-2016)
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-06-07 Transcript of Motion for Restraining Order & Preliminary Injunction, filed 09-15-2016
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-06-29 Motion of Dismissal
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri V. Mosier -- Plaintiffs (including Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region) dismiss case after KDHE rescinds notices of termination of participation in the Kansas Medical Assistance Program. -
2016-08-03 Notice of Appeal
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier -- The Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment (KDHE) appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. -
2017-08-11 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance (PP lawyer leaves case)
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2015 Form 990 -- PP of the Saint Louis Region & Southwest Missouri
Tax form for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and SW Missouri. Note address location at the Central West End Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Louis, MO. -
03-30-2017 -- Dr. Jacqueline Turner is 2017 Stellar Performer - (PP board member)
Jacqueline Turner is a board director at Planned Parenthood (PP of the Saint Louis Region & Southwest Missouri). See page 3. -
Jacqueline Turner, MD -- PP Board of Directors, no salary -- 2015 Form 990 excerpt
Excerpt from 2015 Form 990 for PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri. Jacqueline Turner is on the board of directors, with no salary. -
02-01-2017 -- "There's Something Special about Dr. Turner" - Barnes-Jewish Hospital Blog
Feature story about PP Board of Directors member Dr. Jacqueline Turner. -
Jacqueline S. Turner, MD -- Barnes-Jewish Hospital HealthCare
Hospital profile for Jacqueline S. Turner, MD. Turner is an unpaid member of the PP Board of Directors for PP of the St. Louis Region and Southwest MO. (See 2015 Form 990 document, page 16.) -
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, September 2013
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, September 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, October 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, December 2012
PP St Louis deficiencies report, March 2016
Failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning autoclaves (sterilizers). Failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for biological testing (used to monitor steam sterilizers). Failure to have a procedure in place to prevent cross contamination and separation of contaminated instruments by space. Failure to follow manufacturer's instructions for packaging instruments for sterilization. Failure to restrict multi-dose vials to a centralized medication area separate from the procedure room, and failure to restrict single dose-vials to single patient use. Failure to ensure a sanitary environment was preserved in the sterilization rooms and sterile supply room. Expired supplies were available for use. Failure to ensure glucometer (instrument for testing the blood sugar level) was approved by the manufacturer for clinical use (use on multiple patients). Failure to ensure refrigerators temperatures were maintained to provide stable medication. Failure to ensure equipment used for patient care was approved for use in healthcare facilities. Failure to perform criminal backgrounf checks prior to hire. Failure to perform Employee Disqualification List (EDL) inquires prior to hire. Failure to provide ongoing staff education regarding infection control. Failure to ensure medication orders were timed, dated and signed by the ordering practitioner and medications administered to the patient were documented including dose, time, date and signed by the person the entry. Failure to ensure followed policy for monitoring the stability and vital signs of patients during recovery. -
2011-11-18 Employment Discrimination Complaint -- Edgar Harris v. PP of the St. Louis Region
Former PP security guard Edgar Harris sues PP over alleged employment discrimination. See pages 5, 8, & 17. -
2013-03-05 Defendant's Trial Brief -- Harris v. PP of the St. Louis Region
PP gives their statement on the employment discrimination lawsuit filed by former PP security guard Edgar Harris. See pages 2-4. -
2016-11-30 Comprehensive Health of PP Great Plains et al v. Lyskowski
PP sues the State of Missouri over abortion regulations. Plaintiffs include Reproductive Health Services PP of the St. Louis Region, and abortionist Ronald Yeomans. -
2013-11-25 Complaint -- St. Louis Effort for AIDS & PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri et al v. Huff (MO Dept of Insurance)
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, as well as other plaintiffs, sue the State of Missouri over insurance regulations. -
2016 Form 990 -- PP of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri
Tax document. Jacqueline Turner, MD, is on the director's board. See page 17. -
2016 Form 990 - Reproductive Health Services of PP of St Louis
PP of the St. Louis Region & Reproductive Health Services PP v. Missouri Dept of Social Services -- lawsuit over insurance regs
Planned Parenthood of St. Louis, and the St. Louis PP abortion clinic sue the state of Missouri over insurance regulations. -
RHSPP v Parson et al
May 28, 2019: Lawsuit filed by RHS Planned Parenthood in St. Louis seeking to block Department of Health and Senior Services from not renewing their facility license. Resulted in TRO then Preliminary Injunction keeping them open temporarily. -
COURT+ORDER_FINAL-Quash 6-4-2019
Judge Stelzer quashes subpoenas issued to 9 RHS Planned Parenthood staffers -- 7 of which were abortionists. Five refused to be questioned by DHSS in complaint investigation into botched abortions and other violations. Judge later sealed their identities, but they were already publicly known. -
News Releases Health Senior Services 6-7-2019
DHSS statement about RHS Planned Parenthood's pathology lab violations and cooperation with complaint investigation. -
1922-CC02395 - 6-13-2019 - Defendants' Motion to Reconsider or Amend
Motion filed by DHSS to urge the judge to reconsider the preliminary injunction so it could continue its complaint investigation without having to put it on an accelerated schedule. Submitted Exhibit A to support Judge denied motion 6/17/2019. -
1922-CC02395 - 6-13-2019 - Exhibit A
Exhibit A, filed in support of DHSS motion to reconsider preliminary injunction, is a 4-page cover letter setting deadline for plan of correction on attached 62-page deficiency report. Report gives gruesome details of botched abortions and hospitalized patients along with quotes from abortionists that were nonsensical or inadequate answers to DHSS questions about patient care deficiencies. -
June 17, 2019, Court notation of of Judge Stelzer's denial of state motion to reconsider preliminary injunction. He also sealed Exhibit A with the incriminating Statement of Deficiencies at Planned Parenthood's request. -
Statement of Deficiencies at RHS Planned Parenthood's pathology lab that included information about failed (botched) abortions and lack of communication between the lab and PP. -
Casenet 1922-CC02395 - Docket Entries
Copy of public Court website docket entries for RHS Planned Parenthood v. Parson et al showing the names of RHS Planned Parenthood's abortionists and staffers subpoenaed by DHSS. -
PPStL 7v3
Operation Rescue image showing photos of the 7 RHS Planned Parenthood abortionists who were involved in adverse patient outcomes (botched abortions), 5 of which lawyered up and refused to submit to interview in DHSS complaint investigation. -
Temporary Restraining order issued on May 31, 2019, preventing RHS Planned Parenthood's facility license from expiring at midnight on that same date. -
Statement of Deficiencies at RHS Planned Parenthood's pathology lab that included information about failed (botched) abortions and lack of communication between the lab and PP. -
Casenet 1922-CC02395 - Docket Entries
Copy of public Court website docket entries for RHS Planned Parenthood v. Parson et al showing the names of RHS Planned Parenthood's abortionists and staffers subpoenaed by DHSS. -
PPStL 7v3
Operation Rescue image showing photos of the 7 RHS Planned Parenthood abortionists who were involved in adverse patient outcomes (botched abortions), 5 of which lawyered up and refused to submit to interview in DHSS complaint investigation. -
Temporary Restraining order issued on May 31, 2019, preventing RHS Planned Parenthood's facility license from expiring at midnight on that same date. -
COURTORDER_FINAL Preliminary Injunction 6-10-2019
Preliminary injunction that is preventing RHS Planned Parenthood's facility license from expiring and setting a deadline of June 21, 2019, for the DHSS to act on PP's license application. -
Maureen Peal v Planned Parenthood, et al - Memorandum of Dismissal, 10-15-2019
Maureen Peal v Planned Parenthood, et al Certificate of Service, 10-7-19
Maureen Peal v Planned Parenthood, et al Certificate of Service, 9-23-19
Maureen Peal v Planned Parenthood, et al - Planned Parenthood's answer to Plaintiff, 8-29-19
Planned Parenthood's answer to Plaintiff Maureen Peal. -
Maureen Peal v Planned Parenthood, et al - Entry of Appearance Certificate of Service, 8-22 through 8-29-19
Certificates of service by Eugene Fahrenkrog, Mark Hess, and Mark Feldhaus. -
10-11-2013 -- Ambulance arrives at Planned Parenthood in St Louis
Deficiency Report Correspondence from Missouri Department of Health
Includes annual inventory of controlled substance for 2020 for this location. -
Planned Parenthood Missouri Subpoenaed
Planned Parenthood Missouri Employee Garnishment Case
License Restrictions
1999-04-20 Articles of Incorporation -- Reproductive Health Services of PP of the St. Louis Region
Note business address is located at the Central West End Health Center PP abortion clinic. in St. Louis, MO. -
2010 Annual Registration Report -- Reproductive Health Services of PP
Note business address is located at the Central West End Health Center PP abortion clinic. in St. Louis, MO. -
2017-2018 Biennial Registration Report -- Reproductive Health Services of PP of the St. Louis Region
Note business address is located at the Central West End Health Center PP abortion clinic. in St. Louis, MO. -
Jacqueline S. Turner (PP board member) -- Missouri medical license - valid through 01-31-2019
Missouri medical license for PP board member Jacqueline S. Turner, MD. Turner is an unpaid board member of PP of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri. See 2015 Form 990 below, page 16. -
PP Association of St. Louis -- 1974 Missouri Non-profit corporation filing
Original 1974 non-profit corporation filing for Planned Parenthood Association of St. Louis (MO). -
PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri - 2018-06-20 Non-profit Corporation - Biennial Registation
2018-2019 Biennial Registration Report with State of Missouri --non-profit corporation filing. -
2018 Missouri business filings -- Planned Parenthood corporations list
List of PP corporations on file in the state of Missouri.
Deficiency Report
PP St Louis Inspection Report - Jan 31, 2013
14 pages of violations at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Louis discovered during an inspection of the facility in January, 2013. -
08-05-2009 Inspection Report PP StL
Multiple citations. -
08252009 Corrective Plan
Corrective plan submitted by RHS Planned Parenthood for 8/5/2009 deficiencies -
01-31-2013 Onsite Allegation Survey PP StL
Multiple deficiencies - 14 pgs. -
02272013 Corrective Plan PP StL
Corrective plan submitted by RHS Planned Parenthood for 1/31/2013 deficiencies. -
09-19-2013 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (as are all complaints made about RHS Planned Parenthood) -
010622014 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (as are all complaints made about RHS Planned Parenthood) -
07282014 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (as are all complaints made about RHS Planned Parenthood) -
01212014 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (as are all complaints made about RHS Planned Parenthood) -
01122016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
02102016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
03-16-2016 Licensure Survey PP StL
36 pages of health and safety deficiencies. -
05-17-2016 Relicensure Visit
More deficiencies found - 3 pgs. -
05-26-2016 Corrective Plan PP StL
Corrective plan for 5/17/2016 deficiencies -
05-25-2016 Onsite Allegation Survey PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
07-12-2016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
05-30-2017 Corrective Plan PP StL
Corrective plan for 5/25/2017 deficiencies. -
05-31-2017 Licensure Revisit PP StL
No deficiencies cited. -
09-07-2016 Complaint Investigation
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
PP St Louis complaint survey 8-14-2017
PP St Louis licensure revisit survey 5-31-2017
PP St Louis second complaint survey 5-1-2017
PP St Louis complaint survey 5-1-2017
PP St Louis deficiency report 5-25-2017
Failure to include in their bylaws the person or position in charge of the facility in the absence of the administrator. Failure to ensure staff followed current acceptable standards of practice for hand hygiene. Failure to transport soiled instruments in a proper manner. Failure to follow recommendations for use germicidal wipes. Failure to ensure a sanitary environment by providing intact (free of holes) and easily cleanable surfaces (free of rust) that will not harbor bacteria and transmit infections. Failure to submit complication reports to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (Department) as required by statute. -
PP St Louis deficiency report with regulations attached 5-25-17
Failure to include in their bylaws the person or position in charge of the facility in the absence of the administrator -
PP St Louis complaint survey, january 2013
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, january 2014
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, january 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, february 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, march 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, may 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, June 2015
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, July 2011
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, July 2014
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, July 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, November 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, December 2016
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, January 2014 (2)
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, may 2017
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, july 2016 (2)
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, November 2016 (2)
PP St Louis Complaint Survey, May 2017 (2)
PP St Louis Survey, May 2017
PP St Louis deficiencies report, January 2013
Failure perform periodic Employee Disqualification List (EDL) check on employees. Failure to ensure single use medications were discarded after use on each patient (used for multiple patients). Expired medications were available for patient use. Date multi-dose vials when they are opened. Failure tu ensure expired items were not available for patient use. Failure to replace worn, rusted or deteriorating equipment with functional easily cleanable surfaces that will not harbor and transmit infections in three Procedure Rooms. Failure to ensure those three Procedure Rooms were free of dust/debris. Failure to adequately include in the Quality Assurance program all cases in which the gestational age was determined to be beyond eighteen weeks. Failure to adequately document action taken as a result of ongoing Quality Assurance activities. Failure to provide accurate written notice of patient rights to inform patients or their representatives of their options of who to contact to file a grievance/complaint as required. Failure to conduct a monthly inspection of the portable fire extinguishers. -
PP St Louis deficiencies report, March 2015
Failure to restrict multi-dose vials to a centralized medication area separate from the patient treatment area. Expired medication was found. Failure to monitor the humidity in the clean and dirty instrument processing area. Failure to protect sterile items from dust and moisture. Personal didn't wear appropriate protective equipment. Failure to replace worn or deteriorating patient-care items with functional easily cleanable surfaces that would not harbor and transmit infections. Failure to ensure that all required provisions were adhered to regarding the reporting of pathologist's reports adn the submission to the Missouri Department of Health. Failure to date glucometer (device used for testing the blood sugar level) test strips (used to place a drop of blood to test the blood sugar). -
PP St Louis deficiencies report, May 2016
Failure to perform criminal background checks prior to hire. Failure to perform employee disqualification list (EDL) inquires (to determine if the new employee was placed on the EDL list maintained by the Department of Health and Senior Services, regarding employment elegibility) prior to hire. -
PP St Louis deficiencies report, May 2017
Failure to include in their bylaws the person or position in charge of the facility in the absence of the administrator. Failure to ensure staff followed current acceptable standards of practice for hand hygiene. Failure to transport soiled instruments in a covered, leak proof container labeled with a bio-hazard label to indicate potentially infectious objects. Failure to follow manufacturer's recommendations for use of germicidal wipes, and failure to ensure a sanitary environment was preserved by providing intact (free of holes) and easily cleanable surfaces (free of rust) that will not harbor bacteria and transmit infections. Failure to submit complication reports to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (Department) as required by statute. -
PP St Louis deficiencies report, August 2009
Failure to assure that all staff are knowledgeable of the written fire evacuation plan by not having fire drills in accordance with facility policy. The facility failed to assure that all surgical technicians (non-licensed assistive staff present in the procedure room) provide documentation of training in assisting abortion procedures or certified surgical technologist credentials. -
PP St Louis Deficiencies Correction Plan March 2015
Failure to restrict multi-dose vials to a centralized medication area separate from the patient treatment area. Expired medication was found. Failure to monitor the humidity in the clean and dirty instrument processing area. Failure to protect sterile items from dust and moisture. -
PP St Louis Deficiency Correction Plans february 2013
Failure to perform periodic Employee Disqualification List (EDL) checks on employees. -
Deficiency Report - June 16, 2020
Deficiency Report - June 08, 2020
Deficiency Report - July 15, 2020
Disciplinary History
05252017 Licensure Survey PP StL
Multiple deficiencies including failure to wash hands, dirty equipment and supplies, failure to sanitize properly, and willfully refusing to obey MO abortion complication reporting law. -
11152016 Complaint Investigation
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
03312015 Licensure-Allegation Survey PP StL
Allegation unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood), but 17 pages of deficiencies found. -
04082015 Corrective Plan PP Stl
Corrective Plan for 3/31/2015 deficiencies. -
06092015 Revisit Survey PP StL
No deficiencies cited. -
05012017 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
10042016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
11082016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
12192016 Complaint Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
07212011 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
12112012 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
01072013 Complaint Offsite Investigation
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
04292016 Corrective Plan PP StL
Corrective Plan for 3/16/2016 deficiencies -
03232016 Complaint Offsite Investigation PP StL
Unsubstantiated (suspiciously, as are all complaints against RHS Planned Parenthood) -
Deficiency and Investigation Reports for St. Louis Planned Parenthood - Table
Listing of all investigative and inspection reports done at RHS Planned Parenthood between 8/5/2009 and 5/31/2017. Includes links to all reports. -
RHS-PP Springfield complication plan denial-032918
Abortion drug complication plan denied, and notice that deficiencies stated in 10-11-2017 inspection report were not yet corrected, resulting in denial of abortion facility license for Springfield, MO Planned Parenthood. -
Letter reiterating that a correction plan for deficiencies had not been submitted, so abortion facility license could not be issued to Springfield, MO Planned Parenthood. -
RHS Greene County 10-12-2017
Oct. 10-11, 2017: Failed inspection report with shocking sanitation issues, including a rusty exam table that was literally falling apart, and vaginal ultrasound probes that were not properly decontaminated. More. -
Comprehensive Health of PP v. Williams et al -- 2019-01-11 Exhibits - 2013-2018 Inspection Reports - Deficiencies & Plan of Correction
2013-2018 Health Dept Inspections, with Deficiencies & Plan of Correction. Numerous health code violations and failures cited in Health Dept Inspections of Comprehensive Health Services PP (Columbia, MO), and Reproductive Health Center PP (St Louis, MO). See pages 2, 4, 12, & 47.
Malpractice History
Smith vs. PP Saint Louis - Mar 24, 2004
The court grants Nicole Smith the motion to reconsider in her medical malpractice case against Planned Parenthood. -
Smith vs. PP Saint Louis - Nov 23, 2004
Nicole Smith sues Planned Parenthood for medical malpractice and wrongful death after PP refuses to remove laminaria from her cervix, causing infection and death of the fetus, despite Nicole's request to stop the abortion procedure. -
1995 Moore vs PP St Louis - Malpractice Case
2003 Liggins vs Crist and PP of KS and MO Et Al - Malpractice Case
2012 Quaka v Eisenberg and PP St Louis Et Al - Malpractice Case
2013 Driver vs PP of KS and MO Et Al - Personal Injury Case
2016 Isabel vs PP and Zadoyan Et Al - Malpractice Case
2006 Abernathy vs PP of St Louis - Malpractice Case
from the 2016 case Isabel vs PP and Zayodan -
Gibbons v. PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri - malpractice
Gibbons v. PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri - parties list
Jones v. PP of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri & Robert Crist -- malpractice
Malpractice suit against defendants PP of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri, and abortionist Robert Crist. -
Jones v. PP of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri, & Robert Crist - parties list
List of parties in malpractice suit. Defendants include PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri, and abortionist Robert Crist. -
Gibbons v. Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and SW Missouri - list of parties
Generic list of participants in lawsuit. -
Jones v. Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & SW Missouri, & Robert Crist - list of parties
Generic list of participants in lawsuit. -
03-21-2019 Medical Malpractice -- Peal v. Planned Parenthood & Diedrich
Medical malpractice record. -
Peal v. Planned Parenthood & Justin Diedrich - 2019
Lawsuit record. -
Turner, Jacqueline -- (PP of SW Missouri board member) -- more malpractice cases
PP of SW Missouri board member Jacqueline S. Turner, MD, is a defendant in these malpractice cases. See page 17 of 2016 Form 990 below for PP board listing. -
Turner, Jacqueline -- (PP of SW Missouri board member) -- two malpractice cases
PP of SW Missouri board member Jacqueline S. Turner, MD, is a defendant in these malpractice cases. See page 17 of 2016 Form 990 below for PP board listing. -
Turner, Jacqueline -- (PP of SW Missouri board member) -- 1992-03-16 Turner defendant in malpractice case - Winston v. Deaconess Health Services et al
PP of SW Missouri board member Jacqueline S. Turner, MD, is a defendant in this malpractice case. (See page 17 of 2016 Form 990 below for PP board listing.)
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
12-079023 4251 Forest Park Med Dispatch
911 dispatch transcript from Dec. 26, 2012 placed from Planned Parenthood. Patient fainted and was not alert. Urgent Response. She transported to a local hospital. -
Affidavit signed by Moore regarding 58 emergency calls to 911
List of 58 calls for emergency service from Jan 1, 2009-Apr 6, 2016 Problem Priority only
Report of Horrifically Botched Abortion on October 23-1997
Alleges abortionist Robert Crist botched an abortion and came close to killing a patient, who suffered emotionally afterwards. -
This list provided to Operation Rescue via a public records request from the St. Louis Fire Department. Contains "problems" for which RHS PP called 911 from 11/5/2016-11/15/2019.