Abortion Mill
Freedom Care (NM Medical Offices) - INACTIVEAffiliations
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Former abortionist at: American Women’s Clinic – Voorhees, NJ
Former abortionist at: American Family Planning – Pensacola, FL
Former abortionist at: American Women’s Services – Silver Spring, MD
New Jersey Appeals Court Upholds Revocation of “Grossly Negligent” Abortionist Brigham 9/11/2018
What You Should Know About the Worst Abortionist in America, Steven Chase Brigham 8/8/2017
When Brigham Was Evicted From Delaware Facility, He Left $37,000 in Unpaid Rent and THIS… 5/25/2017
Brigham Opens Clandestine Washington DC Abortion Facility after Eviction from Delaware 5/23/2017
Delaware Clinic Leased by Stephen Brigham to Close 4/25/2017
Brigham Quietly Reopens Maryland Abortion Clinic Where Patient Died, 11/13/2015
Disgraced Abortionist Brigham Turns Over Documents to Avoid Court, 10/20/2015
Brigham’s Delaware Abortion Business Halts Surgical Abortions Under Threat of Closure, 9/16/2015
Complaint Seeks to Disallow Sex Offender from Control of Brigham’s New Jersey Abortion Business
Brigham Transfers New Jersey Abortion Clinics to Confirmed Sex Abuser
Abortion Emergency Filmed at Dangerous Brigham-Owned Pensacola, FL Abortion Clinic
Abortionist Brigham Ordered to Pay $420,000 in Legal Fees
Brigham’s Revocation Puts 7 Dangerous New Jersey Abortion Facilities In Limbo
Virginia Excuses Troubled Brigham Abortion Mill, 6 Others from Meeting Safety Laws
Brigham’s Last License Is Revoked, Should Close His 8 New Jersey Abortion Facilities
Judge recommends license revocation for Brigham – Aug. 22, 2014
Abortionist Riley Reprimanded While Brigham Draws More Charges for Botched Abortion in Maryland
Abortionists Brigham, Riley Charged with Murder, Jailed
Riley Trial Date Set; Prosecutors Say Jury Should Decide Where Babies Died
The abortionist industry appears to be full of unqualified quacks!
Botched Abortion Nightmare: ‘I wish I never heard of them’
Abortionist Steven Brigham lost his medical licenses in 5 states after committing egregious legal violations and botched abortions.
Article: Erie’s only legal abortion clinic: Its history and why it closed in 2007

Misc Documents
9/6/2023 Article: Police raid office building in Hobbs County after Brigham's Eviction
NM Medical Offices Witness List
These people are the witness list for NM Medical Office (Freedom Care) and Steven Brigham. -
Response to Motion to Dismiss -8/11/23
NM Medical Offices Sues Landlord - 8/11/23
NM Medical Office is the abortion clinic Steven Brigham operated Illegally. They are claiming the landlord had a breach in contract for ended their lease for unpaid rent. -
Brigham NAF September 1990
Brigham Asbury Park Press 10-25-1994
Brigham Asbury Park Press 12-22-1994
Brigham News Tribune 12-08-1994
Brigham Pensacola News Journal 02-05-1995
Brigham Philadelphia Inquirer 12-15-1994
Brigham Sun Sentinel 12-16-1994
Brigham Star Ledger 01-07-1994
Brigham Star Ledger 06-01-1994
Brigham Star Ledger 12-07-1994
Brigham New York Times 02-06-1995
Brigham New York Times 11-23-1994
Brigham - The Press, Atlantic City 12-15-1994
PN Commonwealth, Petition to Reopen the Record-1
PN Commonwealth, Petition to Reopen Record-2
Julie Gabis 4 23 2012 letter this is not an appeal
Letter and Order Revoking Registration of AWS in Pittsburgh 4-17-2012
Anna Marie response to no appeal letter
Julie Gabis 4 23 2012 letter this is not an appeal
Notice of Appeal - Allentown Medical Services
Notice of Appeal - American Women's Services
RTKL 065-2012 -Sullenger FINAL-response
Clinic Opens Today - Abortion available in Erie for first time since 70's, 9-19-2003
David Bruce, Sept. 19, 2003: "A doctor with an elusive identity and a checkered medical record will begin offering abortions today in downtown Erie at the newest of his 14 clinics." Article details medical shortcomings, malpractice suits, and criminal history of Brigham and other abortionists affiliated with American Women's Services clinic. -
Patient says she regrets abortion
Andrea Staargaard regrets the abortion she had at a New Jersey clinic owned by Steven Brigham. Brigham's Erie clinic opens today, making abortions available in Erie for the first time since the late 1970s. -- Janet B. Campbell http://www.goerie.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030919/FRONTPAGE/109190346 -
"Woman recounts abortion at Brigham's New Jersey clinic" - Patient tells harrowing experience of rushed abortion decision, 9-19-2003
David Bruce, Sept. 19, 2003: Andrea Staargaard says she regrets her abortion at Steven Brigham's New Jersey clinic, recounts bad experience at the hands of clinic staff and abortionist Vikram Kaji. -
Anti-abortionists picket conference at hotel - The Province, Sept. 1990
Brigham civil appeal Connecticut case
Notice of Appeal re Bankruptcy Matter - Case Summary - Filed 1-21-2004, date of last filing 5-27-2005. -
Brigham glass bankruptcy case
Glass v. O'Neil et al - defendant & plaintiff list - date of last filing 6-2-2006. -
Brigham glass bankruptcy case 2
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, district of Connecticut - Marc J. Glass v. John J. O'Neil and Steven C. Brigham - Filed 6-24-2002, Date of last filing 5-27-2005. -
Brigham in bankruptcy case Connecticut alias party
Parties with Aliases - Date of last filing 6-7-2007. -
Brigham in bankruptcy case Connecticut docket
Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Notice, 2-26-2002. -
Brigham in bankruptcy case Connecticut parties
List of Filers: creditors, debtors, and interested parties - Date of last filing 6-7-2007. -
Brigham in bankruptcy case - Connecticut
Bankruptcy Petition, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, district of Connecticut - Date filed 5-22-2000, Date terminated 8-30-2006. -
Brigham NJ contract case
Filers List, includes Steven Brigham - Advanced Directory Sales v. Allentown Medical Services et al - Filed 2-22-2006, Date of last filing 10-15-2008. -
Brigham sues penn 2003 case
Case Summary - Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Steven C. Brigham v. Upper Merion Township et al - Filed 4-14-2003, Terminated 12-9-2004. -
Brigham sues penn 2003 case best docket
Filers List - Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology et al v. Upper Merion Township et al -
Brigham sues penn 2003 case 2
List of defendants, including Upper Merion Township -
Brigham sues penn 2003 case 3
List of defendants -
USA v Brigham 1994
Civil Docket - USA v. Brigham - U.S. District Court, district of New Jersey - Date filed 3-4-1994, Date terminated 7-29-1994. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case
Marc. J. Glass v. Greater Hartford Architecture Conservancy Inc. - Appearance - Parties of interest include Steven C. Brigham - Filed 4-27-2004. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case 2
Glass v. Greater Hartford Architecture Conservancy - Steven C. Brigham, appellee - Appellees Motion to Dismiss Bankruptcy Appeal for Lack of Jurisdiction - Filed 4-28-2004. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case 3
Glass v. Greater Hartford Architecture - Memorandum of Law in support of appellees motion to dismiss bankruptcy appeal for lack of jurisdiction - Nevets, Inc. and Steven C. Brigham, appellees - Filed 4-27-2004. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case 4
Glass v. Greater Hartford Architecture - Motion, on consent, of appellees Nevets, Inc. and Steven C. Brigham for enlargement of time to file brief - Filed 5-26-2004. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case 5
Glass v. Greater Hartford Architecture - Appellees' memorandum in reply to appellant's opposition to motion to dismiss - Nevets, Inc. and Steven C. Brigham, appellees - Filed 5-27-2004. -
Brigham glass civil appeal case 6
Marc J. Glass v. John J. O'Neil, Jr. - Brief of the appellees Nevets, Inc. and Steven C. Brigham - Filed 7-2-2004. -
Brigham New Jersey breach of contract case
Advanced Directory Sales v. Allentown Medical Services and Steven C. Brigham - Notice of Motion for Summary Judgment - Filed 10-15-2007. -
Brigham New Jersey breach of contract complaint
Advanced Directory Sales v. Allentown Medical Services, et al. - Notice of Removal - Filed 2-22-2006. -
Brigham New Jersey breach of contract - Judge rules
Advanced Directory Sales v. Allentown Medical Services et al. - Hon. Jerome B. Simandle, Opinion - Filed 6-30-2008. -
Brigham New Jersey breach of contract settled
Advanced Directory Sales v. Allentown Medical Services et al. - Order of Dismissal - Filed 10-15- 2008. -
Brigham sues in Penn complaint
Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Steven C. Brigham, M.D. v. Upper Merion Township - U.S. District Court, eastern division of PA - Complaint - Filed 4-14-2003. -
Brigham sues in Penn trial brief
Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology et al. v. Upper Merion Township - Plaintiffs' Post-Hearing Brief - Filed 10-22-2003. -
Brigham sues in Penn 3
Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology et al. v. Upper Merion Township - U.S. District Court, eastern district of PA - Third Amended Complaint - Filed 9-15-2003. -
Medical license suspended on NJ doc who botched several abortions -- 10-14-2010
Steven C. Brigham’s patient commits suicide after abortion, family sues -- 10-03-2010
Doctor now facing murder owned Colonie clinic where 17 fetuses found in ’96 -- 01-05-2012
Cecil Co. murder charges against abortion doctors withdrawn - Chicago Tribune -- 03-06-2012
Utah abortion doc's attorney lashes out at prosecutors in dismissed case -- 03-07-2012
For Decades, Authorities Let Rogue Abortion Provider Harm Women, Despite Pleas From Legitimate Doctors - Rewire.News -- 07-11-2013
Rogue Abortion Provider Lacked Medical Malpractice Insurance, New Jersey AG Says - Rewire.News -- 12-03-2013
Abortion provider lied about insurance, N.J. prosecutors say -- Philadelphia Inquirer -- 12-04-2013
“A Botched Operation” – The New Yorker, Feb. 3, 2014
Attorney general says banned doctor still running Englewood abortion clinic - News - NorthJersey.com
August 2016 story from The Record, in NJ, regarding Brigham continuing illegal ties with several abortion clinics -
Former NJ abortion doctor appeals his license revocation, divests from clinics
Article from NJ.com, 4-2-2015 -
NJ Attorney General: Abortion doctor unlawfully owns clinics
Article from NJ.com, 7-1-2015 -
Four Maryland abortion clinics shut down and three doctors suspended for ‘lax procedures’ after patient dies in care of untrained worker -- June 6, 2013
Maryland’s Path to an Accord in Abortion Fight - The New York Times -- 07-10-2013
Abortion clinic files for bankruptcy after losing $6.5 million botched abortion lawsuit
LifeNews.com, 8-26-16 -- Article on Brigham's abortion clinic in Englewood, NJ. -
Abortion facility files for bankruptcy after losing $6.5 million lawsuit for botched abortion
LifeSiteNews.com, 9-6-16 -- Article on Brigham's abortion clinic in Englewood, NJ. -
Banned abortion doc's N.J. clinic files for bankruptcy, report says
NJ.com , 8-25-16 -- Article on Brigham's clinic in Englewood, NJ. -
Bradley v. Forlifer - 1998-07-23
List of Parties in lawsuit -
Bradley v. Forlifer - 2000-07-20
Stipulation of dismissal with prejudice. -
2018-10-04 After abortions were botched, he lost his N.J. medical license. Will his clinics stay open? - Philly.com
Article on abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji. PDF Version 1: Contains pictures, some text missing. -
Oct. 4, 2018 After abortions were botched, he lost his NJ medical license. - Will his clinics stay open? - Philly.com
Copy of article on abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji. Version 2: All pictures and text intact. -
Steven Brigham - Connecticut corporation
License Restrictions
Final Order of License Revocation 2014 10 08 New Jersey
AG Support Letter for Suspension of License
Letter from New Jersey Attorney General describes Steven Brigham's repeated violations of Board regulations with supporting documents. -
NJ Brigham Complaint - Exhibits Vol 1
Exhibits from 2010 complaint against Brigham show gross negligence in violation of New Jersey statutes. -
NJ Brigham Complaint - Exhibits Vol 2
Exhibits from 2010 complaint against Brigham show gross negligence in violation of New Jersey statutes -
NJ Brigham Complaint - Exhibits Vol 3
Exhibits from 2010 complaint against Brigham show gross negligence in violation of New Jersey statutes -
NJ Brigham Complaint
New Jersey Attorney General files complaint against Steven Brigham in September 2010 for gross negligence in violation of statutes. -
NJ Cease and Desist Order
New Jersey Attorney General orders Brigham to cease and desist from practicing medicine until the Board considers the application to suspend Brigham's medical license. -
NJ Order to Show Cause
Attorney General issues order to show cause in complaint against Brigham -
NJ Complaint - Brigham Response
Brigham responds to 2010 Complaint by New Jersey Attorney General -
New York Revocation - Brigham
Expert Witness motion - Oct 12, 2010
Brigham files motion to exclude expert witness report in case of license suspension. -
Expert witness motion response - Oct 12, 2010
NJ Deputy Attorney General files opposition to Brigham's motion to exclude expert witness report. -
NJ, License Suspension Application
NY Revocation Sustained
Brigham, Steven Chase - 8-28-1996 - Initial Decision & Final Agency Decision
Aug. 28, 1996 - Initial Decision and Final Agency Decision - regarding suspension or revocation of the license of Steven Chase Brigham, M.D., to practice medicine in the state of New Jersey -
Brigham Georgia Profile
Brigham Florida profile
FL license not active. Cannot legally practice there. -
Order Imposing Temporary Suspension of License - State of NJ - effective 10-13-2010
N.J. abortion doctor temporarily suspended -- Philly.com, 10-14-2010
Steven Chase Brigham's medical license is temporarily suspended in New Jersey. The NJ Board of Medical Examiners rules that Brigham is "a clear and imminent danger to the public health and safety." -
Brigham License State of California-Cancelled
CA medical license cancelled for having committed felonies in another state and failing to complete probation requirements. -
2018-09-11 - New Jersey Appeals Court Upholds Revocation of “Grossly Negligent” Abortionist Brigham - OperationRescue.org
New Jersey appeals court refuses to reinstate Steven Chase Brigham's medical license.
Disciplinary History
PA Adjudication and Order - Pt 1
The PA Department of Health orders Brigham's clinic registration to be revoked, and precludes Brigham from registering any abortion facility in Pennsylvania. -
PA Adjudication and Order - Pt 2
The PA Department of Health orders Brigham's clinic registration to be revoked, and precludes Brigham from registering any abortion facility in Pennsylvania. -
Mark A Binder NY License 184074
FL Order to Revoke Brigham's License - 1996
Florida Medical Board revokes Brigham's medical license: order includes documentation of botched abortions performed by Brigham. -
MD Cease & Desist-Brigham 08-25-10
Aug 25, 2010 - Maryland State Board of Physicians orders Steven Chase Brigham to cease and desist from practicing medicine in Maryland without a license. -
Hand-Delivered Letter and Order Revoking AMS Registration 4.11.2012
Letter and Order Revoking AMS registration 4-10-2012
Order Closing Integrity Family Health, PA
Order closing Integrity Family Health in Pennsylvania after the Health Dept. discovered connections to Brigham,w ho is banned from operating abortion clinics there. -
Second Amended Complaint (Amended by Addition of Counts VII and VIII) filed February 13, 2013 nunc pro tunc November 19, 2012(1)
New Jersey action -
Supplemental Order Assessing Costs filed December 10, 201_1(1)
Brigham Nov 12 2014 Order of Revocation(1)
New Jersey License Revocation. Brigham now holds no valid medical license anywhere. -
CA Suspension Order - 1997
April 24, 2017: CA medical license suspended for 1 year (set aside) with 3 years of probation for negligence and incompetence after repeated acts of performing second trimester abortions after board banned him from doing so in 1994. Also sites NY license revocation. -
CA License Probationary Order based on NY Criminal Convictions
Feb. 24, 2000: Probation extended for a total of 5 years with conditions (such as completion of an Ethics Course). Brigham never completed his probationary requirements, therefore his CA medical license was cancelled. -
Brigham - State of California Record of Discipline in Other States
Record of disciplinary action in other states, reported to CA Medical Board as of 6/29/2017 -
Florida Final License Revocation Order - 01311996
Revocation order dated Jan. 31, 1996 citing a long list of botched abortions and deception. Must read to believe! -
Initial Decision Submitted by NJAG's Office-steven-brigham
August 13, 2014 - 92-page recitation of license revocation case against Brigham.
Malpractice History
Golub Case 1999
O'Connell VS BRIGHAM ET AL, Filed 2014
Motion of Approval for Alternate Service for Brigham (Unable to serve him in previous attempts.) -
O'Connell VS BRIGHAM ET AL, Filed 2014
Order. (In regards to inability to serve Brigham.) -
O'Connell VS BRIGHAM ET AL, Filed 2014
Motion to Consolidate. Initial suit did not include Brigham and Kaji; However, after the deposition of the first suit, the Plaintiff filed a second suit to include them then requested the two suits be consolidated. -
O'Connell VS BRIGHAM ET AL, Filed 2014
Suit against Brigham and Kaji (to be consolidated with initial suit.) -
O'Connell VS BRIGHAM ET AL, Filed 2014
Summons. -
O'Connell Case v Brigham et al - Certificate of Expert Dr. Daniel Small
O'Connell Case v Brigham et al - Daniel Small Depoistion 10 26 2015
O'Connell Case v Brigham et al - Default Judgement
O'Connell Settlement - Dismissal Order 7-27-2020
End of a 2014 malpractice case related to a failed Methotrexate abortion that left the surviving baby with multiple health issues. Judge issued a default judgment of $6.5 million, but Brigham appealed. Settled out of court for undisclosed amount on 7-27-2020 -- eight years after the failed abortion attempt. -
NJ Attorney General Pursues Case against abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji _ New Jersey Right to Life
Criminal History
Maryland Board of Physicians Indictment - Brigham
Maryland State Board of Physicians Interview with abortion patient CB
Maryland State Board of Physicians conducts telephone interview with abortion patient C.B. on August 21, 2010 in criminal case against Steven Chase Brigham. -
Maryland State Board of Physicians Interview with abortion patient DB
Maryland State Board of Physicians conducts telephone interview with abortion patient D.B. on August 18, 2010 in criminal case against Steven Chase Brigham. -
Maryland State Board of Physicians Interview with Riley
Maryland State Board of Physicians Interview-Shepard
Maryland State Board of Physicians Interview-Walker
Brigham Case File as of 1-25-12
Brigham Bail Docs
Form-Laminara Insertion & Induction of Fetal Demise
This form obtained under FOIA shows that Patient D.B. never received the injection that was supposed to ensure fetal demise making it likely that D.B.'s baby was alive at the time of the abortion in Maryland the following day. -
Brigham Motion to Dismiss